Mission Statement : Friends for Responsible Rural Growth (FFRRG) was formed to monitor development on the Highway 93 corridor from Whitefish to the north end of Kalispell, particularly in the area of KM Ranch Road. FFRRG will work to assure that any proposed development projects are consistent with the character of our neighborhoods, that they are appropriate for the proposed location, preserve the safety and wellbeing of surrounding residents, land, water, and wildlife, and that they adhere to all statutes and regulations that are applicable to any such developments.
Why we care : Friends for Responsible Rural Growth, a 501c3, was formed to oppose Montarise LLC’s request to rezone 155.9 acres of heavily forested land from SAG-5 to R-1 off KM Ranch Road and U.S. Highway 93 in rural, central Flathead Valley. A substantial, growing number of concerned residents banded together to urge Flathead County Commissioner’s Planning Board to vote against the rezoning. We feel that the developer’s goal of subdividing the property into highly dense 265 home sites and a resort RV park in no way conforms to the character of the surrounding community. What’s more, we believe it would cause a serious negative effect on public health, safety, and welfare of the surrounding properties, its residents, and the area’s wildlife. We acknowledge the need for additional affordable and workforce development housing. Montarise LLC’s proposal does not promise affordable housing; only more.
As of June 2022, there are approximately 740 new housing units permitted but not yet built along the 93 corridor between Highway 40 and Reserve. These developments will not only add to the growing traffic concern along Highway 93 but let’s give these housing starts a chance to see if they meet Flathead Valley’s housing needs before we further tax the county’s already strained public services, schools, and dwindling open spaces.
We want to underscore that change and growth are inevitable in highly desirable communities like ours and that we support responsible growth. Montarise LLC’s project is not responsible for rural Flathead.
Friends for Responsible Rural Growth’s (FFRRG) goal is to keep the rural character of our community intact. If unchecked development is allowed in rural Flathead Valley, there’s no returning to the rural way of life Flathead Valley residents value today and hope to preserve for future generations.
Your donation allows Friends for Responsible Rural Growth (FFRRG) to continue our work to stop unchecked growth and preserve our rural way of life. Support like yours allows us to communicate with the community's stakeholders, hire experts that will help analyze the impact of the Montarise Development on traffic, water, and the environment, as well as hire legal counsel who will help us fight for our land rights and for the quality of life in our rural community. Every gift makes a difference. Thank you.
If you prefer, you may mail your donation to:
Friends for Responsible Rural Growth
P.O. Box 4577
Whitefish, Montana 59937
FFRRG is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Employer Identification Number: 88-2741284. Donations to the Friends for Responsible Rural Growth are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please check with your financial advisor.
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